Monday, November 30, 2015

"Responsible Gratitude" November 29, 2015

Crystal Zerfoss, Seminarian

How do we practice responsible gratitude, honoring the gift of our shared experience, acknowledging that all we have is an extension of what others have done for and given us, gratefully naming our place in the interdependent web of all existence.

Listen here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"A House with Two Masters" Oct. 25, 2015

Rev. David Bloom

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke about our ultimate priorities. "No one can serve two masters," he said. "You cannot serve both God and wealth." We live in a society that is obsessed with money, with "making it," usually meaning to get rich. How do we negotiate between our society's emphasis on wealth and the clear demands of religious faith to work for justice for those who live on the economic and social margins?

A treasured visiting speaker at Westside, the Reverend David Bloom is an American Baptist minister with 38 years of ecumenical leadership experience in Seattle on social justice issues.

Monday, September 28, 2015

"The Day All Lives Will Truly Matter" September 27, 2015

Marcus Green

As racial matters continue to grip our national conversation, it's becoming ever common to ask what role each of us can play in dismantling the systems and structures that stubbornly exacerbate racism in our country. In that destruction, it is important for us to identify that racist outcomes can exist without racist people, or else we can unfortunately replicate what we're attempting to destroy. As a faith tradition who holds sacred the dignity of every human being, this sermon will challenge all of us to first look deeply inside ourselves before joining together in solving one of the greatest human rights issues still plaguing our country.

Listen here.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Twilight Zone" September 13, 2015

Crystal Zerfoss

Come explore the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. Seattle University student and UU seminarian, Crystal Zerfoss, will lead us on a journey into the dimension of imagination.

Listen here.

Monday, August 17, 2015

"The Language of the Heart" August 16, 2015

Viveca Monahan

The literature around spiritual psychology and the human heart consistently discusses two kinds of knowing. There is scientific knowing, which is linear, analytical, rational, verbal and mechanical. And there is poetic knowing or poesis, which is holistic, intuitive and has depth. The heart "perceives" while the brain "knows." Language creates images. What we name a thing, becomes that which we named. The heart has its own language that rises to the surface just when we need it most. This access requires only that we silently ask. And then patiently wait.

Listen here.

Monday, July 27, 2015

"OK, Now What?" - July 26, 2015

Rev. Grace Simons

Westside UU is moving toward a new church year, but things have changed! Can we approach a new situation in ways that increase the chance of success? What factors can help us navigate a transition most productively? Why can't this just be easy?

Listen here.

Friday, July 24, 2015

"God and the 'What' of Unitarian Universalism" July 19, 2015

Rev. Barry Andrews

So much rides on what we understand God to be - not only our own spiritual well being, but the future of Unitarian Universalism as well. The stakes are high. We aspire to live a spiritual life in keeping with our Unitarian Universalist principles. We would like to see Unitarian Universalism thrive. But what kind of faith is it that has no object? We can answer the who, how, why, when and where of spirituality, but, seemingly, not the what. Without a sense of a "what," worthy of reverence, I fear that Unitarian Universalism will become a dead end in the evolution of religion.

Listen here.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

"Welcoming the Stranger: Immigration Stories" July 12, 2015

Rev. Amy Moses Lagos

Reverend Amy Moses-Lagos will share from her experiences working with immigrants in diverse settings from Texas to California.  She will discuss ways in which immigrants' stories can inform our approach to this complex issue.  

Listen here.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Lust-Phobia, Dogmas Grounded in the Fear of Lust from the Virgin Birth to Same Sex Marriage" June 28, 2015

Keo Capestany

The absurd cult of virginity, rooted in the history of the church is still very much present in so-called purity programs that promote fear and shame of sex.  

Listen here.

Monday, July 6, 2015

"Reflections on Islam" July 5, 2015

 Imam Jamal Rahman

In this holy month of Ramadan, let us reflect on spiritual insights and practices to open heart and expand mind.

Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. He is a Muslim Sufi minister at Seattle's Interfaith Community Sanctuary, adjunct faculty at Seattle University, and since 9/11 has been collaborating with Rabbi Ted Falcon and Pastor Don Mackenzie --known as the Interfaith Amigos---touring the country sharing the message of spiritual inclusivity. This will be Jamal's third visit to Westside. 

Listen here.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

"My Charge to Westside" June 21, 2015

Rev. Peg Morgan

 At ordinations and installations of ministers, someone gives the "charge" to the congregation...their best advice for moving forward...Today I will charge you with my best hopes for Westside's future.

Listen here.

Monday, June 8, 2015

"My Three Sermons" June 7, 2015

Rev Peg Morgan

'They' say ministers really have only three sermon teachings that are preached in different ways. What do you think mine have been? 

Listen here.

Monday, June 1, 2015

"To Grow, To Learn, To Say Goodbye" May 31, 2015

Kevin Lawson, Intern Minister

It is time to review the year of a ministerial internship! Reflections on growth into ministry, lessons learned and how it is we never stop growing, and learning. T.S. Eliot compels us, "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." Dolly Parton sings, "We've come full circle, and yet we've just begun," come and share in my final service with you as your ministerial intern.

Listen here. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

"Restorative Justice" May 17, 2015

Kevin Lawson

What is it to work towards wholeness and recovery, opposed to punitive and additional detriment? Is there inherent worth and dignity enough to go around? As UU's how do we work for justice, holding the tension of seeking recovery from injury, along with accountability for wrong doers? What is our role with respect to some of the social justice issues present in our communities and society currently?

Monday, May 11, 2015

"Only One Rule According to Hafiz" May 10, 2015

Rev. Peg Morgan

On this Mother's Day, it seems a good day to speak of wisdom, wisdom that we would want to pass on to children; and no better source than the poetry and spiritual wisdom of Sufi poet Hafiz. Let's listen to the wisdom of this mystic as he weaves his way through ideas about children, life, religion and purpose. Come be prepared to be delighted!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"To Be Called" May 3, 2015

Rev. Peg Morgan

Today we will consider what it means to be called to something that is bigger than ourselves alone. And what does it take to hear the call?

Monday, April 27, 2015

"What Do I Mean When I Say I'm _______? A Discoursive Exploration of Race, Racism, and Racial Identity" April 26, 2015

Westside UU Youth

 This fall, the youth group started out to do a year-long exploration of how to be a powerful force for social justice in the world. Then Ferguson happened and our conversation turned to matters of race and racism and all the social dynamics we saw unfolding in our country and community. Our conversation deepened into a powerful journey into our own racial identities (self-identified and projected) during which we continually asked, "And what does this ask of us to do and be in the world?" This service grew out of our ongoing work to unpack, understand, and respond compassionately to the reality of systemic racism in our country.   

Monday, April 20, 2015

"The In-Between Time" April 19, 2015

Rev. Peg Morgan

What does it mean to be in a time when you are waiting and wondering, a kind of liminal time? After 40 years in the wilderness leading the Israelites, Moses gave his last speech to his people...knowing he could not go on with them to the promised land, but hoping they would remember the covenant. What covenant does Westside have to be loyal to? Are there some lessons for Westside as our congregation enters a distinct in-between time? 

Listen here.