Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Combating Apathy: Everything I Needed to Know about Changing the World I Learned from Superman

Marcus Green, author, speaker, and friend of our Congregation

July 21, 2013

Another high-profile “Superman” movie is due out this summer. Marcus will comment on the idea of a world not changed by an extraordinary man or woman but by ordinary men and woman with a willingness to do the extraordinary. The real life heroes we often admire, King, Tubman, Gandhi, Milk and others, possessed the same raw ingredients that all of us possess if we so choose to use them.


Under the Unitarian Universalist Umbrella

Rev. Peg Morgan and three members

July 14, 2013

Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal faith which allows us the freedom to search for truth on many paths .Unitarian Universalists discern our own beliefs about spiritual, ethical, and theological issues under an umbrella of shared principles. We draw inspiration from Atheism, Agnosticism, Buddhism, Christianity, Humanism, Judaism, Earth Centered Spirituality, other religious or philosophical traditions, as well as from science.

This sharing service will be led by Rev. Peg Morgan, and will offer theological or spiritual perspectives of three of our members: Steve Burrows, Atheism, Cecelia Hayes, Earth Centered Spirituality, and Keo Capestany, Agnosticism.
