Saturday, October 22, 2011

Moth to the Flame: Michael Servetus

Rev. Peg Morgan

October 16, 2011

Today we honor the 500th anniversary of the birth of Michael Servetus, author of “On Errors of the Trinity.” Michael was committed to ideas, regardless of the ultimate cost of his life. Is there anything you would give your life for?


Saturday, October 8, 2011

No Room for Correction

Rev. Peg Morgan

October 2, 2011

Given the recent death of Troy Davis, I will reflect on moral issues of capital punishment.


Conspirare: To Breathe Together

Lisa Reitzes

September 25, 2011

There are many reasons that we gather on Sunday mornings, perhaps as many reasons as there are people in the Sanctuary. Whatever brings us there, what we do together in that space creates something that is different than what we can experience on our own. However diverse our spiritualities, we agree for that time to be bound to each other by the common air we breathe. 
