Thursday, December 20, 2012

In the Aftermath of Tragedy

Rev. Peg Morgan

December 16, 2012

Rev Peg will respond to the violent tragedies of this week, and will speak to how our faith guides and calls to us in these times.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor

Viv Monahan

December 12, 2012

The ancient Golden Rule “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” exists in some form in virtually every religious, ethical, cultural, and philosophical tradition. It is also familiar to us as “love thy neighbor as thyself”. There are no illegal human beings, just a common human family. Right now in the United States, millions of people live here without documentation. They are being detained and deported by the hundreds of thousands, treated as criminals and not allowed the due process even our worst criminals receive. As loving people of faith and reason, Unitarian Universalists are called to witness this injustice and apply the Golden Rule. What if it were happening to me? What if it were happening to you? This service is provided by our Congregation’s Social Justice Committee.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Raising the Roof

Rev. Peg Morgan

December 2, 2012

Since moving into our congregational home 2+ years ago we have welcomed many new people. Our programs and services have deepened and broadened. What is this transition we are experiencing called pastoral to program size? What does it mean for us as individuals and as a united people?


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gratitude is More Than a Thank You Letter

Rev. Peg Morgan

November 18, 2012

A new non-fiction book “The End of Your Life Book Club” shares conversations Will Schwalbe had with his mom, Mary, after her diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Reading countless books together during her last two years, they explored life, both universal and personal. Today’s sermon will share some of the wisdom and humor they mined in their reflections on the writings of authors both classical and modern.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Doctrine of Discovery: Pagans in the Promised Land

Rev. Peg Morgan

November 11, 2012

This year our Unitarian Universalist General Assembly met in Arizona, and focused on justice issues. Delegates voted overwhelmingly to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery - the premise that European Christian explorers who "discovered" other lands had the authority to claim those lands and subdue or enslave the residents. Today we will learn about where that Doctrine came from and what it has to do with our 21st century lives.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

What Do We Owe Our Loved Ones?

Rev. Peg Morgan

October 28, 2012

Rev. Peg will be reflecting on family, and the legacy we might leave them, much more than our money.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Standing on the Side of Love

Rev. Peg Morgan

October 21, 2012

There is a deep relationship between Love and Justice. And that relationship has been a teaching that runs deep in our faith tradition. Let’s reflect on how inseparable they are as we prepare to fill out our ballot to Approve Ref. 74 and marriage equality.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

I am a Unitarian Universalist. 'What's That?'

Rev. Peg Morgan

September 16, 2012

We get tongue tied when asked to talk about Unitarian Universalism. Maybe that’s what happens in a spiritually liberal faith community, where we don’t have narrow dogma…but we can do better! Rev. Peg will share some ideas of elevator speeches, explaining UU in the time it takes to get to floor 10!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Spiritual Practice: Prayer to Twitter

Rev. Peg Morgan

August 26, 2012

As ancient as cave people and as modern as twitter…humans have developed ways to remind themselves of their highest thinking. Today we will ponder and count the ways.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Journey to Recovery

Rev. Barbara Morgan

August 19, 2012

Rev. Morgan is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister, and a member of this congregation. She writes “Both of my parents died in their early fifties. When I celebrated my fiftieth birthday I found myself living in the eddy of their lives. I wanted to live longer, not swept into the depths of their swirl. With the help of two other Unitarian Universalists and the God of my understanding, I began to swim away from certain death and toward all the promises of life.”


Saturday, August 18, 2012

What Does it Mean to Be Authentic?

Rev. Peg Morgan

August 12, 2012

One of the definitions of authentic is “not false or copied”. If our lives are authentic, not copied, then we have to have entered into a journey of getting to know ourselves and deciding to let the world see what we find. We will draw upon the work of poet and spiritual teacher Mark Nepo.


Friday, August 10, 2012

What Marriage Equality Means to Me

Don Wahl, Tami Ohoyo, & Alan Mendel
August 5, 2012

We can diffuse the fear and concern in some people’s minds about extending marriage rights to same-sex couples through telling our personal stories about why marriage equality matters to each of us. Life stories help people connect, identify and empathize with one another. In this service, straight, lesbian, and gay congregational members will share stories that can spark us to action in support of marriage equality in our state. Mark Newton Service Leader


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Seafaring Lessons for Our Blue Boat Home

Raz Mason

July 22, 2012

The beauty and challenges of life at sea pare things down to bare essentials. We’ll use that clarity to shine light on helpful approaches to stewarding our “blue boat home” in the face of climate change. As small as we may feel in the ocean of environmental realities and politics, there are powerful steps we can take.


Right Action: Buddhist 8-Fold Noble Path and the Colorado Tragedy

Rev. Peg Morgan

July 29, 2012

Right Action flows from our intentions. Living out our intentions is an art. We do the best we can with all that comes our way. In light of the terrible murders in the Colorado movie theatre, what response would the Buddha say is right action?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Right Speech: Personal and Political

Rev. Peg Morgan

July 1, 2012

While in previous sermons on the Buddhist 8 Fold Noble Path, Right View and Right Intention challenged our thinking and intentionality, Right Speech challenges what we say—our words that cannot be undone any more easily than we can put toothpaste back into a toothpaste tube once we have squeezed it out.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why an Atheist Says Amen

Marcus Harrison Green

June 24, 2012

How do "believers" and "non-believers" find common ground in a UU community? Can examining our spiritual beliefs (or no beliefs) in some areas be helpful in how we live our lives? Marcus will offer his perspectives on these questions, and share part of his own journey as an atheist who finds it valuable to come to church and congregate amongst others who may hold different perspectives on life. Marcus Harrison Green is the author of the book "A Year Without April."


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blessing: Something We All Need to Receive and Give

Rev. Peg Morgan

June 3, 2012

Today we will explore the meaning of blessing …in its many forms and from its many sources. From whom have you received a blessing? Who would you like to ask for a blessing? To whom would you like to give one?  This sermon is for parents, grandparents, friends, lovers. 


Monday, June 4, 2012

Collision at the Intersection of Church and State

Rev. David Bloom

May 27, 2012

David Bloom is an ordained American Baptist minister. He has eight years of experience in parish ministry and thirty years in ecumenical leadership in Seattle on social justice issues. He is director emeritus of both the Interfaith Task Force on Homelessness and the Rauschenbusch Center for Spirit and Action. He is also on the adjunct faculty at Antioch University-Seattle where he teaches courses on homelessness, community organizing, and faith & action.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Living with Uncertainty

Rev. Peg Morgan

May 20, 2012

It seems to me that life is full of waiting to find out things…living with uncertainty. If that is the case, then how we approach uncertainty is a human skill and can be understood as a spiritual practice. Recent personal experiences have given me practice with coping with uncertainty. Today I’ll share my experience through a spiritual lens.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Looking Like the Enemy

Mary Gruenewald

May 6, 2012

In 1942 Mary Matsuda and her family walked from Pier 52 in Seattle to a nearby train. They were among hundreds of Japanese-Americans silently walking past curious onlookers toward an uncertain future in internment camps. Mary will offer her story of imprisonment in her own country because she looked like the enemy. She will share what she learned from that experience.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Holy Ground

Rev. Peg Morgan

April 8, 2012

Today on this traditional Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the earth and its generous gifts of life and sustenance.  What shall be our response to these gifts, as we walk its holy ground? 


Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Virtue of Generosity

Rev. Peg Morgan

March 25, 2012

There are a few virtues that clearly speak to how our life will be assessed when we are gone. Generosity is one of them. What is generosity? What are the varying ways we may be generous. What does it have to do with our spiritual lives?


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Buddhist Wisdom Principle: Right Intention

Rev. Peg Morgan

March 18, 2012

The Buddha thought that much of wisdom starts with our intentions.  Are there some core intentions that can transform our lives?


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Buddhist Path 1: Principles of Wisdom

Rev. Peg Morgan

March 4, 2012

The Buddhist Eightfold Noble Path can be broken into three parts. Today we will consider the principles that speak about wisdom…the principles of right view and right intention. This is a three part sermon series.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Courage to Speak, Finding Your Voice

Rev. Peg Morgan

January 15, 2012

It is not always easy to speak the truth.  For some of us, we were brought up to err on the side of making people happy, others of us were taught to be bold.  Today we will explore this further, reflect on our own lives, and learn about Margaret Fuller, good friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who taught others to find their voice.  Who today do we see being courageous in speaking moral truths?


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sources of Inspiration

Rev. Barbara Morgan, Marcus Green & Wendy Swyt
January 1, 2012

Let us begin a new year by reflecting on those who have inspired us to live lives of love, compassion, and justice. Congregation members Wendy Swyt, Marcus Green, and Rev. Barbara Morgan will reflect upon those who have inspired them, and how that inspiration has impacted their lives. Chaplain Mark Newton will lead the service.