Monday, September 28, 2015

"The Day All Lives Will Truly Matter" September 27, 2015

Marcus Green

As racial matters continue to grip our national conversation, it's becoming ever common to ask what role each of us can play in dismantling the systems and structures that stubbornly exacerbate racism in our country. In that destruction, it is important for us to identify that racist outcomes can exist without racist people, or else we can unfortunately replicate what we're attempting to destroy. As a faith tradition who holds sacred the dignity of every human being, this sermon will challenge all of us to first look deeply inside ourselves before joining together in solving one of the greatest human rights issues still plaguing our country.

Listen here.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Twilight Zone" September 13, 2015

Crystal Zerfoss

Come explore the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition. Seattle University student and UU seminarian, Crystal Zerfoss, will lead us on a journey into the dimension of imagination.

Listen here.