Friday, September 19, 2014

"Where Do We Come From, What Are We? Where Are We Going?" - Sept. 14, 2014

Rev. Peg Morgan

On this, our fall Ingathering Sunday, it seems a good idea to ask the question: Where is Unitarian Universalism going?  How is it evolving as a faith.  I've been a UU since I'm going to stand back, and take a long view and perspective.   How is our evolution set to serve each of us and the broader world?

Listen here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

There's a Thread You Follow - August 31, 2014

Kevin Lawson

As I join in community with Westside for the coming 10 months, an introductory exploration...What is my journey? What is your journey?  What might the tapestry we weave together during this year, each with our own thread, our unique journeys, come out looking like next June?   

Listen here