Kevin Lawson, Intern Minister
No matter what our race, culture or ethnicity, each one of us has been called into being and are the sum total of all who came before. Dr. Ysaye Barnwell reminds us, "For each child that's born a morning star rises and sings to the Universe." During this season of advent in the Christian tradition, a Season of Renewal for us here at Westside, this period of waiting with active hope, I revisit the gospel story of Mary, with a feminist theological lens. Mary answered yes, when called upon to serve the spirit of life. When do we say yes to the spirit of life, of service?
Listen here.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
"Holding Out Our Light" Dec. 7th, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
Today's sermon was to focus on some touching conversations I had in Turkey in October, related to being a citizen of the United States at a time of increased bombing and resulting killing by the US, and the ISIS cruelty and killings. Now the sermon has evolved to have a primary focus on the events in Ferguson. This has been a hard and confusing time for me, in which I have been listening to many voices, including law enforcement in my family and people of color. This will not be an easy sermon to deliver, nor perhaps an easy one to hear. I hope you'll come anyway.
Listen here.
Today's sermon was to focus on some touching conversations I had in Turkey in October, related to being a citizen of the United States at a time of increased bombing and resulting killing by the US, and the ISIS cruelty and killings. Now the sermon has evolved to have a primary focus on the events in Ferguson. This has been a hard and confusing time for me, in which I have been listening to many voices, including law enforcement in my family and people of color. This will not be an easy sermon to deliver, nor perhaps an easy one to hear. I hope you'll come anyway.
Listen here.
Monday, November 24, 2014
"We Are What We Eat" - Nov. 23, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
Our congregation's social justice focus is "Food First," which is saying that having access to enough nutritious food is a right of every human being. As we approach Thanksgiving weekend, traditionally a time of gathering around tables of food, with friends and loved ones, it is a good time to ponder the politics of food. As food corporations press to make changes in our food, and scientists even are making "food" in their labs, the statement "We Are What We Eat" takes on new meaning. What are some of the most important issues for us in regards to our eating?
Listen here.
Our congregation's social justice focus is "Food First," which is saying that having access to enough nutritious food is a right of every human being. As we approach Thanksgiving weekend, traditionally a time of gathering around tables of food, with friends and loved ones, it is a good time to ponder the politics of food. As food corporations press to make changes in our food, and scientists even are making "food" in their labs, the statement "We Are What We Eat" takes on new meaning. What are some of the most important issues for us in regards to our eating?
Listen here.
Monday, November 17, 2014
"Prayer for Peace" Nov. 16, 2014
Kevin Lawson, Intern Minister
Within the Prayer attributed to St.
Francis of Assisi, we are called to resist the forces of negativity and lift up
a spirit of goodwill and generosity. How might we continually learn from and
live into the spirit of this well loved prayer that reaches across the years,
and faith traditions to speak a Universal Truth. May we each live as an
Instrument of Peace.
Monday, November 3, 2014
"What I Didn't Realize about Life" - Nov. 2nd 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
There are aspects of the way our
life works that we take for granted, that we don't even notice. Only when we
imagine things differently can we see the gifts we have been given. This sermon
will draw upon the fantasies of neurobiologist David Eagleman. Today's service
will include honoring loved ones who have died over the past year.
Monday, October 27, 2014
The Things We Own. The Stories They Tell - October 26, 2014
John Britt
Our mass production consumer oriented society has us both over-involved in products and, at the same time, disconnected from the people and processes that make them. Can we use the stories of the things we own to realign our values and purpose with our possessions? Come explore with me how we as Unitarian Universalists might begin to get in right relationship with our “stuff”.
Listen here.
Our mass production consumer oriented society has us both over-involved in products and, at the same time, disconnected from the people and processes that make them. Can we use the stories of the things we own to realign our values and purpose with our possessions? Come explore with me how we as Unitarian Universalists might begin to get in right relationship with our “stuff”.
Listen here.
Monday, October 20, 2014
"Deep Apology" - Oct. 19th, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
Our Jewish brothers and sisters just observed their annual Yom Kippur, a time of atonement, of making amends to those we have hurt or wronged. In their tradition, humans need to make it right with others before it can be right with God. How do we do this? Where might our minds and hearts go to make a good and deep apology?
Listen here.
Our Jewish brothers and sisters just observed their annual Yom Kippur, a time of atonement, of making amends to those we have hurt or wronged. In their tradition, humans need to make it right with others before it can be right with God. How do we do this? Where might our minds and hearts go to make a good and deep apology?
Listen here.
Monday, October 13, 2014
"Religion Gone Astray" - Oct. 12, 2014
Rabbi Ted Falcon
Considering the blessings and curses of religious teachings and institutions in the three Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), is religion itself a part of the problems plaguing our world? How can interfaith dialogue hold the key to a healing that calls us back to purpose and to meaning?
Listen here. *Note there is an intentional period of silence at the beginning of this podcast.
Considering the blessings and curses of religious teachings and institutions in the three Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), is religion itself a part of the problems plaguing our world? How can interfaith dialogue hold the key to a healing that calls us back to purpose and to meaning?
Listen here. *Note there is an intentional period of silence at the beginning of this podcast.
Friday, September 19, 2014
"Where Do We Come From, What Are We? Where Are We Going?" - Sept. 14, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
On this, our fall Ingathering Sunday, it seems a good idea to ask the question: Where is Unitarian Universalism going? How is it evolving as a faith. I've been a UU since I'm going to stand back, and take a long view and perspective. How is our evolution set to serve each of us and the broader world?
Listen here.
On this, our fall Ingathering Sunday, it seems a good idea to ask the question: Where is Unitarian Universalism going? How is it evolving as a faith. I've been a UU since I'm going to stand back, and take a long view and perspective. How is our evolution set to serve each of us and the broader world?
Listen here.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
There's a Thread You Follow - August 31, 2014
Kevin Lawson
As I join in community with Westside for the coming 10 months, an introductory exploration...What is my journey? What is your journey? What might the tapestry we weave together during this year, each with our own thread, our unique journeys, come out looking like next June?
Listen here
As I join in community with Westside for the coming 10 months, an introductory exploration...What is my journey? What is your journey? What might the tapestry we weave together during this year, each with our own thread, our unique journeys, come out looking like next June?
Listen here
Friday, August 29, 2014
Where are You From? Examining our Assumptions about Race and Diversity, and Why this Question is not Benign - August 24, 2014
Aisha Hauser, DRE Eastshore Unitarian
While we tend to think of ourselves as an inclusive, welcoming faith, often we fall short of true inclusivity with our unchecked assumptions. What are these assumptions, and how can we keep them from being a barrier to beloved community?
Listen here
While we tend to think of ourselves as an inclusive, welcoming faith, often we fall short of true inclusivity with our unchecked assumptions. What are these assumptions, and how can we keep them from being a barrier to beloved community?
Listen here
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Everyone Is My Teacher - August 17, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
The arrival of our first full time ministerial intern, Kevin Lawson, makes me ask a question for all of us...Who is my teacher? What if everyone was my teacher? How would that change how I approach my every day?
Listen here
The arrival of our first full time ministerial intern, Kevin Lawson, makes me ask a question for all of us...Who is my teacher? What if everyone was my teacher? How would that change how I approach my every day?
Listen here
Monday, August 18, 2014
Grace, Gratitude, and Growing Older - August 10,2014
Jill Fleming
WSUU member Jill Fleming looks at what the spiritual underpinnings of a good old age might be. Rev. Peg Morgan, Service Leader.
Listen here
WSUU member Jill Fleming looks at what the spiritual underpinnings of a good old age might be. Rev. Peg Morgan, Service Leader.
Listen here
The Gratuitousness of Absolutely Everything - July 6, 2014
Rev. Barbara Burke
Benedictine monk, a Boeing machinist, a Dutch poet, and a Nisqually legend
inform our sermon. Rev. Burke is a retired UU minister and a member of
our congregation.
The Wise Surrender - April 27, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
this sermon topic, chosen by Joanne Cook after she won the sermon topic item at
the 2013 auction, Rev. Peg will share what Islam has to offer us as Unitarian
Universalists. We say we draw wisdom from all the world’s religions…is
that true? What does Islam offer us? Today is the first in a series of
sermons on the spiritual wisdom of Islam.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Spiritual Practice of Relationship- August 8, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
It is wedding season. I often wonder how all the couples are doing, those for whom I have officiated their marriage. Today I will reflect on relationships, friendships and marriages, as spiritual practice, sharing what I have learned through my own experience and through spiritual study.
Listen here
It is wedding season. I often wonder how all the couples are doing, those for whom I have officiated their marriage. Today I will reflect on relationships, friendships and marriages, as spiritual practice, sharing what I have learned through my own experience and through spiritual study.
Listen here
More Than the Sum of Our Wants- July 27, 2014
Revs. Jaco and Barbara ten Hove
In a radical animated movie from
a few years ago, the robot WALL-E helps humanity come to its senses after
generations of luxurious meaninglessness. Can we, too, learn to become
"more than the sum of our wants"?
Monday, July 28, 2014
2014 Question Box Sermon - June 22, 2014
Rev. Peg Morgan
How do I hold in my mind and heart both my
own joys and the awareness of the suffering in the world? What life lessons have our WSUU Spiritual
Study Group been pondering? Come hear
Rev. Peg’s answers to these and other questions.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Honoring Connection
Susan Howlett, Guest Speaker
April 6, 2014
Love isn’t just a state of being, it’s a way of acting in the world. Love isn’t a sort of bliss, it’s a kind of work. What, then, does it mean to love a place where you belong? Susan Howlett is a proselytizing Unitarian Universalist. A member of University Unitarian Church in north Seattle, Susan headed the local UU Pacific Northwest District’s Chalice Lighters grant program at the time of Westside’s last grant ($20,000+) which enabled us to establish our first Music Director position and to bring our Minister to full time. Author, speaker, and UW faculty, Susan has consulted with over 1000 nonprofits nationally, and is known for her liberal use of humor, stories and chocolate. Chocolate? Now we know why Rev. Peg likes her so much!
April 6, 2014
Love isn’t just a state of being, it’s a way of acting in the world. Love isn’t a sort of bliss, it’s a kind of work. What, then, does it mean to love a place where you belong? Susan Howlett is a proselytizing Unitarian Universalist. A member of University Unitarian Church in north Seattle, Susan headed the local UU Pacific Northwest District’s Chalice Lighters grant program at the time of Westside’s last grant ($20,000+) which enabled us to establish our first Music Director position and to bring our Minister to full time. Author, speaker, and UW faculty, Susan has consulted with over 1000 nonprofits nationally, and is known for her liberal use of humor, stories and chocolate. Chocolate? Now we know why Rev. Peg likes her so much!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Our True Relations
Rev. Peg Morgan
March 23, 2014
We hear how Unitarian churches first were formed in Transylvania in the 1500’s. How are we related today? In beliefs? In partnership? In being human? This sermon occurs the weekend of our Partner Church celebration, with a Gala event on Saturday March 22
March 23, 2014
We hear how Unitarian churches first were formed in Transylvania in the 1500’s. How are we related today? In beliefs? In partnership? In being human? This sermon occurs the weekend of our Partner Church celebration, with a Gala event on Saturday March 22
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Does Anyone Really Know What Time it is?
Bill Coniff
March 16, 2014
March 16, 2014
Some of our stress in life is created through our focus on either
the past or the future, when the present is really all there is. Can we
break free of our time shackles to make the most of our lives?
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
How Emptiness is More
Rev. Peg Morgan
March 2, 2014
Growing up, most of us didn’t learn how to truly be a healing listening presence for others. We worry about what thoughts we should share, and what things we should do. But in reality, less is more, empty is of greater weight, and just being is holy.
March 2, 2014
Growing up, most of us didn’t learn how to truly be a healing listening presence for others. We worry about what thoughts we should share, and what things we should do. But in reality, less is more, empty is of greater weight, and just being is holy.
Friday, February 7, 2014
On Reclaiming 'Faith'
Rev. Peg Morgan
February 2, 2014
What is this word ‘Faith’ and does it have any place in UU theology? Well, yes it does, but it’s not what you are thinking!
February 2, 2014
What is this word ‘Faith’ and does it have any place in UU theology? Well, yes it does, but it’s not what you are thinking!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Building Beloved Community
Michelle Conklin, Ministerial Intern
January 26, 2014
Beloved community is an intentional commitment to Hospitality, Contemplation and Trust. How are these truths living in you? In our congregation? And in the wider world?
January 26, 2014
Beloved community is an intentional commitment to Hospitality, Contemplation and Trust. How are these truths living in you? In our congregation? And in the wider world?
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Hope in Hard Times
Rev. David Bloom
December 29, 2013
We live in what some are calling a transitional moment in American history. As Paul wrote in II Corinthians, “everything old has passed away; everything has become new!” But what is this newness? Does it contain hope for a better world: solving poverty and homelessness; ending war and violence; saving our environment? Or are we condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past that place the very survival of our species at risk? The coming of a new year offers us an annual opportunity to reflect on such fundamental questions and on the call of our faith to confront the hard issues of our day with hope and determination. Rev Bloom is an American Baptist Minister and a favorite visitor to our pulpit.
December 29, 2013
We live in what some are calling a transitional moment in American history. As Paul wrote in II Corinthians, “everything old has passed away; everything has become new!” But what is this newness? Does it contain hope for a better world: solving poverty and homelessness; ending war and violence; saving our environment? Or are we condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past that place the very survival of our species at risk? The coming of a new year offers us an annual opportunity to reflect on such fundamental questions and on the call of our faith to confront the hard issues of our day with hope and determination. Rev Bloom is an American Baptist Minister and a favorite visitor to our pulpit.
Friday, January 17, 2014
How is Your Prayer Life?
Rev. Peg Morgan
January 12, 2014
When I first became a UU minister, I sensed people didn’t want to talk about prayer. Now people tell me about their prayer life all the time. How do UUs pray?
January 12, 2014
When I first became a UU minister, I sensed people didn’t want to talk about prayer. Now people tell me about their prayer life all the time. How do UUs pray?
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