Saturday, September 24, 2011

One Light, Many Windows

Rev. Peg Morgan

September 18, 2011

Today we reflect on why it is that we come together on Sunday morning when we could stay home with our own beliefs. In this very unchurched area of the country, we choose to come together, gathering in our sanctuary with its many windows, sharing the light together as we ponder the mysteries and celebrate the masterpiece that is this life. In so doing, we remind ourselves of the ways to be saved in this world, for this world…for as Thoreau said, we prefer to take things one life at a time.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Holding to the Beauty of Life: Reflections on 9-11

Rev. Peg Morgan

September 11, 2011

It has been ten years since the tragedy of 9-11. Today I will peer into that tragedy to recover strains of wisdom that can sustain us whenever life hands us an unthinkable blow.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why Africa Matters

Christian Ramers, MD

September 4, 2011

This service will address why the disparities in health and human rights between ours and the African continent are prime examples of why our social justice mission needs to extend beyond our borders.
