Wednesday, January 25, 2017

"Three Things UU's Don't Talk About (at least on Sundays): Addiction" January 22, 2017

Rev. Alex Holt

This is the second of three services on topics often avoided in our congregations. Addiction to substances or behaviors is very common in the world. How do we as liberal religious people respond to such a pervasive issue as addiction?

Listen here.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

"Three Things UU's Don't Talk About (at least on Sundays): Mental Illness" January 15, 2017

Rev. Alex Holt

There are topics generally not often heard in our congregations. One of them is mental illness even though mental health is a significant challenge in our culture and personal lives. How do we address mental illness in a compassionate way?

Listen here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"When Anxiety Is a Four-Letter Word" January 8, 2017

Rev. Alex Holt

"May you live in interesting times" is not an ancient Asian snippet of wisdom but it still speaks to the anxiety in our lives. How can Unitarian Universalism best respond to anxiety and change in a healthy way?

Listen here.