Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Generosity and our Spiritual Life" March 22, 2015

Jill Fleming

Generosity within the individual and the community is aligned with an inner sense of abundance - the feeling that we have enough to share and to share well. As a "Breakthrough Congregation" do we at Westside still possess an inner sense of abundance, a sense of the possible? Is our current culture reflective of the financial generosity of the recent past? Or are we showing signs common to other UUs and many of the mainline Protestant denominations who give much less of their income to their religious communities than many more conservative denominations? If so, why is that? Jill Fleming, chair of the Stewardship Committee, will explore the sensitive topic of money and how it impacts our beloved community.

Monday, March 16, 2015

"A Faith That Saves" March 15, 2015

Rev. Peg Morgan

Other faiths proclaim salvation through defined paths of belief or behavior. Our UU faith sees salvation in a totally different way, and is very 'this life' based. I will share some ways that members and friends have felt "saved" by our faith. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

"Importance of Truth-Telling in the Age of Journalistic Erosion" March 8, 2015

Marcus Green

As independent news sources struggle for survival, while the "mainstream" media finds itself concentrated in the hands of a smattering of corporations with the power to distort and mold societal narratives that vitally impact our nation, communities, democracies and lives- citizens have had an obligation like never before to not only challenge what we're force fed by our media, but to be vigilant advocates for truth.  Marcus Harrison Green is an author, journalist and Executive Director of the South Seattle Emerald. He was born and raised in Seattle, WA and currently resides in his beloved South Seattle. He hopes to be President (of the United States) in 2020!

Listen here.